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Miami Criminal Defense Attorney / Miami Violent Crime Attorney

Miami Violent Crime Attorney

Violent crimes happen all the time. Murder is probably he first one that comes to mind, but Assault, kidnapping, robbery, battery, and child abuse are also violent crimes that can cause serious harm or death to another person.

Nobody wants to be accused of a violent crime. Few charges are as serious as a violent crime conviction. Being charged with such an offense can seem like the end of the world. Your freedom, livelihood, family, career, and reputation all hang in the balance. What does your future hold?

When charged with a violent crime, it’s essential to have a law firm in your corner that will do everything possible to protect your legal rights. Don’t gamble with your future. For best results, hire a Miami violent crime attorney from Asilia Law Firm today.

Types of Homicide Charges in Florida

When you think of violent crimes, killing someone is probably the most violent. Here are the various types of homicide charges a person can face in Florida:

  • First-degree murder. First-degree murder is the most serious homicide charge and typically involves premeditation and intent to kill. In Florida, it can also include felony murder, which is when a death occurs during the commission of certain felonies, such as robbery, burglary, arson, kidnapping, or sexual battery. First-degree murder is punishable by life imprisonment or the death penalty.
  • Second-degree murder. Second-degree murder is a lesser charge than first-degree murder and typically involves an intentional killing without premeditation. It can also include cases where the defendant acted with a depraved mind showing a reckless disregard for human life. Second-degree murder carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
  • Third-degree murder. Third-degree murder is often referred to as manslaughter in some jurisdictions. It typically involves killings that occur due to reckless behavior or without intent to kill. In Florida, third-degree murder is considered a felony and can result in a maximum sentence of up to 15 years in prison.
  • Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of another person without malice or aforethought, which means without premeditation or intent to kill. Manslaughter can be classified into two categories. Voluntary manslaughter occurs when the killing is committed in the heat of passion. Involuntary manslaughter occurs when the killing is unintentional but results from reckless or negligent behavior.
  • Vehicular homicide. Vehicular homicide is the killing of another person while operating a vehicle recklessly or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In Florida, vehicular homicide is typically charged as a felony and carries severe penalties, including imprisonment and license revocation.

Contact Asilia Law Firm Today 

Violent crimes are looked at harshly. Even if you didn’t do the crime, you will be judged.

If you have been accused of murder or similar crimes, get the legal help you need from the Miami violent crime attorneys from Asilia Law Firm. These cases can be difficult but we will aggressively challenge each aspect of a violent crime case. Schedule a consultation by filling out the online form or calling (786) 420-3014.

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